Lexicographic permutations
Problem 24
A permutation is an ordered arrangement of objects. For example, 3124 is one possible permutation of the digits 1, 2, 3 and 4. If all of the permutations are listed numerically or alphabetically, we call it lexicographic order. The lexicographic permutations of 0, 1 and 2 are:
012 021 102 120 201 210
What is the millionth lexicographic permutation of the digits 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9?Answer: 2783915460
Writing an algorithm for Permutations
#1 Recursive Approach:
def get_all_permutations(string):
if len(string) == 1:
return [string]
result = []
for i, c in enumerate(string):
for k in get_all_permutations(string[:i] + string[i+1:]):
result = result + [c + k]
return result
for i, p in enumerate(get_all_permutations('0123456789')):
if i+1 == 1000000:
print p
NOTE: When ran on large numbers, it takes huge time to complete
#2 Python API:
import itertools
perms = itertools.permutations('0123456789')
for i, p in enumerate(perms):
if i+1 == 1000000:
print ''.join(p)
NOTE: It executes extremely fast, MUST SEE HOW IS IT IMPLEMENTED
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